Show Results

Show Results - 2024

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Banbury - 14th January
Varieties Judge: Angela Corrie, Pet Judge: Emma Davis

BIS: Rattie Asylum Scream, Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

BOA: Halcyon Tubular Bells, Chinchilla Kitten, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

3rd Supreme: Rattie Asylum Dancing Dead, Dumbo Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

4th Supreme: Galatic Knoblaunch, Marten, owned by Rattray, Bred by Galactic Stud

Best Pet: Feta, owned by Freeke van de Voort, bred by Emma Gilroy

Bradford Championships - 3rd February
Varieties Judge: Ann Storey, Pet Judge: Lisa Irvine

BIS: Esprit Willow, Dumbo Russian Blue Agouti, owned by Nicola Goodwill, bred by Esprit Stud

rBIS: Wildflower Sakura, Agouti, owned and bred by Wildflower Stud

3rd Supreme: Rattie Asylum Scream, Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

4th Supreme: Kirsi, Cinnamon, owned by Elaine Cass, bred by Kaylee Hayes

BOA: Katinka Ingaborgovinanana, Russian Dove Agouti Kitten, owned and bred by Sarah Davies

Best Pet: Beeghos Carla Warla, Russian Dove Agouti Rex Dumbo Dwarf, owned by Jess Claresta, bred by Beeghos Stud

Copdock and Washbrook - 17th February
Varieties Judge: Rackie Powell, Pet Judge: Katie Cracknell

BIS: Mimble Paradise by the Dashboard Light, Wheaten Burmese, owned by Halcyon Stud, bred by Mimble Stud

rBIS: Contemptress, Agouti, owned and bred by Finn Sutherland

3rd Supreme: Rivendell Molly Malone, Irish, owned by Halcyon Stud, bred by Rivendell Stud

4th Supreme: Lovecraft Angel of Harlem, Topaz Dumbo, owned by Blaise Stud, bred by Lovecraft Stud

BOA: Rivendell New Moon, Chinchilla Kitten, owned and bred by Rivendell Stud

Best Pet: Ellfin Luisa, owned and bred by Ellfin Stud

Woodford - 24th February
Varieties Judge: Fiona Barker, Pet Judge: Rackie Powell

BIS: Milliways Dahlia, Blue-Point Siamese Kitten, owned and bred by Milliways Stud

rBIS: Valkyrie Elin, Cream Kitten, owned and bred by Valkyrie Stud

BOA: Goedric's Hollow Angel in a Cave, Agouti, owned and bred by Goedric's Hollow Stud

4th Supreme: Valkyrie Anneli, Cream Agouti Kitten, owned and bred by Valkyrie Stud

Best Pet: Clara, owned by Valkyrie Stud

Sowood - 9th March
Varieties Judge: Julie Oliver, Pet Judge: Kate Rattray

BIS: Goedric's Hollow There’s Always Gonna Be Some Light, AOV Dumbo, owned and bred by Goedric's Hollow Stud

rBIS: Goedric's Hollow Angel in a Cave, Agouti, owned and bred by Goedric's Hollow Stud

3rd Supreme: Reef Sebastian, Golden Siamese, owned by Lilliput Stud, bred by Reef Stud

4th Supreme: Goedric's Hollow Hiding at the Bottom of a Crackerjack Box, AOV Rex, owned and bred by Goedric's Hollow Stud

BOA: Goedric's Hollow Draconian Measures, AOV Rex Kitten, owned and bred by Goedric's Hollow Stud

Best Pet: Galactic Miranda, BE Marten Doe, owned and bred by Galactic Stud

Rutherglen - 16th March
Varieties Judge: Lisa Irvine, Pet Judge: Teena Madden

BIS: Reef Camilla, Black, owned and bred by Reef Stud

rBIS: Mimble A Coeliac’s Nightmare, Wheaten Burmese, owned by Jess Claresta

3rd Supreme: Wildflower Duchess, Agouti, owned and bred by Wildflower Stud

BOA: Beeghos Rumour Has It, Silver Fawn Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

Best Pet: Reef Fig, owned and bred by Reef Stud

Tempsford - 23rd March
Varieties Judge: Gemma Corfield, Pet Judge: Nicola Goodwill

BIS: Bluethorn Hot Ice Hilda, Agouti Kitten, owned and bred by Bluethorn Stud

BOA: Halcyon Big Time, Black, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

3rd Supreme: Goedric’s Hollow There’s Always Going To Be Some Light, AOV Dumbo, owned and bred by Goedric's Hollow Stud

4th Supreme: Bluethorn Femi, Russian Dumbo Kitten, owned and bred by Bluethorn Stud

Best Pet: Gemstone Sasha, Owned and bred by Gemstone Stud

Spring Cup - 20th April
Varieties Judge: Lisa Irvine, Pet Judge: Lilly Hoyland

BIS: Gemini Okeley, Russian Blue Kitten, owned and bred by Gemini Stud

BOA: Rivendell Smooth Operator, Squirrel, owned and bred by Rivendell Stud

3rd Supreme: Beeghos Bullet Train To Jupiter, British Blue Agouti, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

4th Supreme: Beeghos Barracuda, Black, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

Best Pet: Rattie Asylum Numphetamin, Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

Swinford - 28th April
Varieties Judge: Angela Corrie, Pet Judge: Louise Shellis

BIS: Pearl, owned and bred by Pipistrelle Stud

BOA: Hooded Kitten, owned and bred by Pipistrelle Stud

3rd Supreme: Rattie Asylum Halestorm, Self Dumbo, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

4th Supreme: Halcyon Flashdance, Squirrel, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

Best Pet: Blaise Pickle, Berksire, Owned and bred by Blaise Stud

Rutherglen - 4th May
Varieties Judge: Hannah Field, Pet Judge: Liz Spence

BIS: Beeghos Bullet Train To Jupiter, British Blue Agouti, Owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

rBIS: Beeghos Rumour Has It, Silver Fawn, Owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

3rd Supreme: Babycham, Self Dumbo, owned and bred by Emma Davis

BOA: Pieni Pulla, Chocolate Kitten, owned and bred by Emma Davis

Best Pet: Endeavour Took, Owned by Linda O’dell, bred by Endeavour Stud

Portsmouth - 12th May
Varieties Judge: Amy Foxford, Pet Judge: Maja Feline

BIS: Milliways Fern, Blue Point Siamese Kitten, Owned and bred by Milliways Stud

BOA: Kismet Arrowhead, Cinnamon Variegated, Owned and bred by Kismet Stud

3rd Supreme: Blue Apple Jellybean, Russian Dove Kitten, Owned and bred by Blue Apple Stud

4th Supreme: Blue Apple Isadora, Guide Standard (Russian Buff), owned and bred by Blue Apple Stud

Best Pet: Keiko bred by Yuki Mori, owned by Kismet Stud

Scawsby - 18th May
Varieties Judge: Jemma Fettes, Pet Judge: Charlotte Goedvolk

BIS: Kabuki, AOV Dumbo

rBIS: Marigold From Russia with Dove, Russian Dove Agouti, owned and bred by Marigold Stud

3rd Supreme: Beeghos Rumour Has It, Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

4th Supreme: Goedric's Hollow, AOV Dumbo

BOA: Feegle Night On The Bridge, Berkshire Kitten, owned and bred by Feegle Stud

Best Pet: Rattray Bessie, Owned and bred by Rattray Stud

Harlow - 25th May
Varieties Judge: Alison Triggs, Pet Judge: Sam Swash

BIS: Milliways Fern, Blue Point Siamese, Owned and Bred by Milliways Stud

rBIS: Rivendell Hell's a Popping Silver Fawn, Owned and bred by Rivendell Stud

3rd Supreme: Halcyon Tubular Bells, Chinchilla, Owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

4th Supreme: Bluethorn Fayeth, Russian Dumbo, owned and bred by Bluethorn Stud

BOA: Rivendell Wild Rover, Agouti Kitten, owned and bred by Rivendell Stud

Best Pet: Milliways Sushi, Owned and bred by Milliways Stud

Yelvertoft & Marked Show - 8th June
Varieties Judge: Amy Foxford, Marked Show Judge: Jem Quarry, Pet Judge: Katie Cracknell

BIS: Gemstone Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Russian Topaz, owned and bred by Gemstone Stud

rBIS: Roman Fortuna, Dumbo Topaz, owned and bred by Roman Stud

BOA: Jasmine Coles, Hooded Kitten

4th Supreme: Zephyr Willow, Cinnamon Pearl, owned and bred by Zephyr Stud

Marked Show

BIS: Jasmine Coles, Hooded Kitten

BOA: Blaise Fozzie Bear, Marked Rex, owned and bred by Blaise Stud

3rd Supreme: Valhalla, Chinchilla Kitten

4th Supreme: Niamh Leahy, Essex

Best Pet: Abi Thompson

Clevedon - 22nd June
Varieties Judge: Doug Connor, Pet Judge: Freeke van de Voort

BIS: Gemstone, Russian Buff

rBIS: Valkyrie Brian Cream, Owned by Elle Reardon and bred by Valkyrie Stud

3rd Supreme: Roman Fortuna, Topaz Dumbo, Owned and bred by Roman Stud

4th Supreme: Rattie Asylum Freak on a Leash, Argente Creme, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

BOA: Jasmine Coles, Hooded Kitten

Best Pet: Rattie Asylum Halestorm, Owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

Carlisle - 6th July
Varieties Judge: Jemma Fettes. (Pets was not judged to the NFRS Schedule, so is not listed here

BIS: Beeghos Scotch Bonnet, Cinnamon Pearl Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

BOA: Marigold Cinnamon Latte Russian Dove Agouti, owned by AJ Cass and bred by Marigold Stud

3rd Supreme: Mimble A Coeliac's Nightmare, Wheaten Burmese, Owned by Jess Claresta

4th Supreme: Lilliput Unicorn Butterfly, Golden Siamese, owned by Elise McDonald and bred by Lilliput Stud

Tendring (Geoff Izzard Memorial Show) - 13th July
Varieties Judge: Roosa Peltola (Finland), Pet Judge: Katie Cracknell

BIS: Halcyon Stevie Nicks, Agouti Kitten, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

BOA: Pieni Pulla Chocolate, owned and bred by Emma Davis

3rd Supreme: Arrietty, Marten, owned by Blaise Stud, bred by Lauren DeGrange

4th Supreme: Gemini Tawny, Russian Blue Agouti Kittem, owned and bred by Gemini Stud

Best Pet: Gemini Fernando, owned and bred by Gemini Stud

Summer Cup - 27th July
Varieties Judge: Estelle Sandford, Pet Judge: AJ Black-Savage

BIS: Mimble A Coeliac's Nightmare, Wheaten Burmese, Owned by Jess Claresta

BOA: Beeghos Robbin’ Banks, Silver Fawn Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

3rd Supreme: Beeghos Madame Jeanette, Cinnamon Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

4th Supreme: Beeghos Trinidad Scorpion, Agouti Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

Best Pet: Arkenstone Feta, owned by Freeke van de Voort, bred by Emma Gilroy

AGM Pet Show - 17th August
Judge: Jo Wall

Best Pet: Beeghos Stud

Reserve Best Pet: Abi Thompson

3rd Best Pet: Gingerbread Stud

4th Best Pet: Kat Fairhurst

Edenbridge and Oxted Agricultural Show - 26th August
Varieties Judge: Marti Leimbach, Pet Judge: Jessie Parrott

BIS: Rivendell, Silver Fawn

BOA: Rivendell, Agouti Kitten

3rd Supreme: Quicksilver Kitten, owned by Gingerbread Stud and bred by Sophie King

4th Supreme: Gingerbread Speculoos, Champagne, owned and bred by Gingerbread Stud

Best Pet: Gemini Smudge, owned by Nicola Goodwill, bred by Gemini Stud

Scottish Championship - 31st August
Varieties Judge: Julie Oliver, Pet Judge: Connor Bain

BIS: Gingerbread Speculoos, Champagne, owned and bred by Gingerbread Stud

rBIS: Beeghos Robbin' Banks Silver Fawn, Owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

3rd Supreme: Nora, Russian Blue Dumbo, Owned and bred by Liz Spence

4th Supreme: Feegle On the Night Bridge, Silver Black Bershire, owned and bred by Feegle Stud

BOA: Beeghos Baroness, Black Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

Best Pet: Blair, Owned and bred by Liz Spence

Exeter - 7th September
Varieties Judge: Lisa Clarke, Pet Judge: Shannah Simpson-Kratzke

Results not yet available

Scawsby - 14th September
Varieties Judge: Gem Corfield, Pet Judge: Charlotte Scott

BIS: Beeghos Trinidad Scorpion, Agouti, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

BOA: Beeghos, Champagne Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

3rd Supreme: Beeghos Dragon Soop, Champagne, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

4th Supreme: Beeghos Seeing Red, Silver Fawn Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

Best Pet: Beeghos Seeing Red, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

Tempsford & Self Show - 29th September
Varieties Judge: Julie Oliver, Self Judge: Ann Storey, Pet Judge: Jon Savage

BIS: Beeghos Robbin’ Banks, Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

rBIS: Goedric's Hollow There's Always Gonna Be Some Light AOV Dumbo, Owned and bred by Goedric's Hollow Stud

3rd Supreme: Halcyon Big Time, Black, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

4th Supreme: Rivendell Hot to Trot, Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Rivendell Stud

BOA: Beeghos, Champagne Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

Self Show

BIS: Beeghos Boiling Point, British Blue Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

BOA: Beeghos, Black Kitten

3rd Supreme: Halcyon Big Time, Black, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

4th Supreme: Beeghos, Champagne Kitten, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

Best Pet: Wayfaring, owned and bred by Lauren DeGrange

Pat Gaskin Memorial London Championship Show Pet Day - 12th October
Judge: Kate Rattray

Best Pet: Arkenstone Feta, owned by Freeke van der Voort

Reserve Best Pet: Galactic Stud

3rd Best Pet: Goedric’s Hollow Daphne

4th Best Pet: Goedric’s Hollow Olympic Cauldron

Pat Gaskin Memorial London Championship Show Varieties Day - 13th October
Varieties Judge: Doug Connor

BIS: Gemstone, Russian Buff

BOA: Blaise, Russian Blue Agouti Kitten

3rd Supreme: Blaise, Russian Dumbo Kitten

4th Supreme: Alex Court, Silver Fawn

Theale - 19th September
Varieties Judge: Angela Corrie, Pet Judge: Jessie Parrott

BIS: Roman Hippona, Russian Topaz, owned and bred by Roman Stud

rBIS: Rattie Asylum Master of Puppets, Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

3rd Supreme: Roman Venilia, Russian Topaz Dumbo, owned and bred by Roman Stud

4th Supreme: Rattie Asylum Dr. Feelgood, Champagne Dumbo, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

BOA: Blaise Allani, Russian Blue Agouti, owned by Katie Lee-Jones and bred by Blaise Stud

Best Pet: Marigold Cookie, owned by Verity Argent and bred by Marigold Stud

May Hill - 9th November
Varieties Judge: Rackie Powell, Pet Judge: Ashley Hayward

BIS: Roman Stud, Russian Topaz Dumbo

rBIS: Milliways Himmel, Blue Point Siamese, owned and bred by Milliways Stud

3rd Supreme: Roman Stud, Russian Dumbo

BOA: Rattie Asylum Trick-r-Treat, Silver Fawn Kitten, owned and bred by Rattie Asylum Stud

Best Pet: Milliways Europa, owned and bred by Milliways Stud

Scawsby - 9th November
Varieties Judge: Lisa Clarke, Pet Judge: Debbie Davis

BIS: Beeghos Stud, Black

rBIS: Beeghos Stud, British Blue Agouti

BOA: Feegle Educated Wish, Variegated, owned and bred by Feegle Stud

4th Supreme: Galactic Carina, Silver Agouti, owned and bred by Galactic Stud

Best Pet: Feegle Blame It On The Rain, owned and bred by Feegle Stud

Scottish (Rutherglen) - 16th November
Varieties Judge: Lilly Hoyland, Pet Judge: Fiona Milton

BIS: Beeghos Baroness, Black, owned and bred by Beeghos Stud

rBIS: Beeghos Loosey Goosey, Cinnamon, owned by Jess Claresta, bred by Beeghos Stud

BOA: Endeavor Snow White, Black Kitten, owned by Katrine McDonald, bred by Endeavor Stud

4th Supreme: June, Black Berkshire Dumbo Kitten, owned by Elise McDonald

Best Pet: Beeghos Loosey Goosey, owned by Jess Claresta, bred by Beeghos Stud

Essex - 23rd November
Varieties Judge: Ann Storey, Pet Judge: Louise Shellis

BIS: Halcyon Shadowfleet, Black Kitten, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

BOA: Gemini Olive, Russian Dove Agoui, owned by Nicola Goodwill, bred by Gemini Stud

3rd Supreme: Halcyon Tango In The Night, Cinnamon, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

4th Supreme: Blaise Pumpkin, Topaz Dumbo, owned and bred by Blaise Stud

Best Pet: Blaise Pose, owned and bred by Blaise Stud

Annual Cup (Meldreth) - 15th December
Varieties Judge: Alison Triggs, Pet Judge: Nicola Goodwill

BIS: Pipistrelle, Hooded, owned and bred by Pipistrelle Stud

rBIS: Rivendell Hot to Trott, Silver Fawn, owned and bred by Rivendell Stud

3rd Supreme: Bluethorn, Agouti, owned and bred by Bluethorn Stud

4th Supreme: Milliways Himmel, Blue-Point Siamese, owned and bred by Milliways Stud

BOA: Halcyon Shadowfleet, Black Kitten, owned and bred by Halcyon Stud

Best Pet: Jamie Reynolds

Last Updated: 29th December 2024